
Squirrel Class

This term we started our Dinosaur Roar topic and arrived in school to find dinosaur eggs in our class!
We have been learning about the dinosaurs names, what they ate and whether they were
carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. We have spent lots of time looking at non-fiction texts and
learning all sorts of interesting facts about the dinosaurs and how they lived. We were even
transported to our own Jurassic World using green screen technology! We have also been busy with
lots of extra activities in class, we have been keeping a diary of our caterpillars and are so excited for
when they become butterflies, we celebrated well-being week with calming yoga, fitness workshops
and family stay and play sessions for OPAL. After the half term break we will continue our Dinosaur
Roar topic with a trip to the dinosaur park, becoming palaeontologists and reading Dear Dinosaur.